Friday, March 30, 2012

Hel-ler, is anyone still there??

 So yes, I suppose I'm back. Man, blogging is tricky business. The trickiest part for me is all the layout-ing and trying to make it look appealing to the eye. Superman and Supergirl have been keeping mama pretty tied up and as you have witnessed, blogging has taken a back seat. Those two have been funny as ever, Z is ever trying to get Hb to dress up as something and she rarely gives in to him. He wants her to be Lois Lane, or the Pink PowerRanger, or Batgirl, or Sleeping Beauty, or...I mean truly the list goes on and and on. Every once in a while she'll appease him with a costume, but really she'd rather just be jumping off things and doing the below: standing on her head.

Thanks for coming by to see us!

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