Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Relief for the Orphans

Many, many orphans in Haiti have solid, loving families waiting for them here in the states. We have some friends, Kim and David Rhodes (http://afamilyforfrankie.wordpress.com/) that are in the process of adopting their son Frankie (who's just a handful of months older than our Zeke) and is just one of those beautiful Haitian children waiting to be placed in the arms of their Forever Family. Please pray, as supplies are running low, safety isn't great, shelters have been great shambled, and the lives of these children, let alone all Haitians, have been turned upside down. Please pray with us that the Haitian government would allow these dear children to come home despite all the lost paperwork, Humanitarian Parole is the buzz word I hear that the particular act is called. Please pray that the mountain is moved for NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE with our GOD.

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