Tuesday, April 19, 2011


For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into the bondage of fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons and daughters, by whom we cry blissfully, "Abba! Father!" Romans 8:15

A page has turned in the battle for our daughter and God has done it all. She is unofficially official (we still have to do Adoption Decree stuff), so she is not legally a Mize as of yet.

These are the words that are listed on Adoption Decrees. As I read them today relishing in what this means for sweet Belle, I couldn't help thinking about my own adoption to Father God.

"biological rights in and to her terminated and forever barred"...in Christ, that which we were formally bonded to is FOREVERMORE BARRED.

that the name of the minor Defendant shall be changed"...He gives us a new name...literally.

"IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the papers and records of this adoption shall be sealed"...we are sealed with a promise (Eph 1:13), bound and bonded to Father.

Glory to God! God's fingerprints are EVERYWHERE. What a joy to be adopted into His love...even as I write this, you know what's playing on the radio? Mark Schultz' "Everything to Me"...a song about being physically and spiritually adopted...I'm not even kidding. I'll soak this one up.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Who done it?

That is a lot of sand. A whole bowl full actually. When asked who done it, neither child would fess up. Each said they didn't do it. I'm surprised they didn't blame it on Luda, the dog. So, here the victim sits, in a cooler.

"Hannah, did you put sand in your hair?"

"Hannah, listen to me. Did you put sand in your hair?"

"Hannah! Did you put sand in your hair?"

Good grief.

Just a reminder...

...if you decide to bake a cupcake in the microwave, it doesn't take as long as you think.